Because of reasons of clarity, we part our regular linksite in four different categories.

Turkish Angora breeder sites, which we can recommend
Here you will find links to sites of Turkish Angora breeder friends, which we can recommend without any doupts. Either we were allowed to convince ourselfs personal from their cat keeping or we got a heahty wellcared cats out of this catterys. This are breeders, which keep ethical principles and contracts and who cares a lot for the well-being of their own cats and breed.

Turkish Angora sites
Here you will find links to Turkish Angora breeder sites, to which we have nice realations, but sadly never met them personal. Also you can find links to Turkish Angora Webrings or Infosites.

Turkish Angora breeder sites from which we dissociate ourselves
Here we list catteries, from which we dissociate ourselves because of certain reasons. The reasons can be of personal or breed ethical nature.

Other sites
Links to sites to breeder other breeds, Linklisten or other cat realated things. 

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